Katie Bruckner, 19岁

主要: 西班牙语
未成年人: 中等教育心理学


I have always had a passion for languages 和 people. I think the ways in which people express themselves is so fascinating. Studying 西班牙语 along with secondary education 和 psychology seemed like the best way for me to combine all of my interests.

What is your career objective?

After graduating, I hope to continue using my language skills to help others. Whether that be as a 西班牙语 teacher, an interpreter or a clinical mental health counselor, I know that Carroll has given me the foundation 和 skills needed to pursue any path I choose while using my 西班牙语 knowledge in the process.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?  

的 opportunity to have service learning 和 志愿服务 built right into my 西班牙语 coursework has given me invaluable experience for the future by preparing me to work in the community 和 allowing me to explore different opportunities to use my language education in the real world. I have been able to develop leadership abilities 和 social skills that will help me in any future career.

Have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty?

I have had so many opportunities to do so during my time here at Carroll. Since classes are so small, professors really know you by name 和 can recommend you for some great opportunities. For example, my 西班牙语 professors recommended me to be a peer tutor in the 学习共享. This has not only helped me improve my 西班牙语 abilities, but allowed me to develop new skills for the future. Additionally, I have worked closely with Dr. 德哥 for my entire college career 和 having such a positive relationship with her has helped me become more involved on campus 和 in the community. I have been able to network 和 make connections with so many people through my work with her. She has been so helpful as a professor.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had at Carroll?

By far the most memorable experience for me was my 出国留学 西班牙之旅. Being able to put my language skills to the ultimate test 和 actually succeed was a huge confidence boost. 的 experience really allowed me to become a more independent 和 open-minded individual.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

Being able to exp和 my field of study through my minor coursework has allowed me to be a more well-rounded person. Having the time to join different 俱乐部, 像活跃的头脑, 和 being able to participate in volunteer activities in the community has allowed me to see that the world is so much more than our little corner here at Carroll. I think that being exposed to so many new experiences 和 having endless opportunities to explore different interests 和 passions is one of the many things Carroll does so well.

What would you say to someone considering 西班牙语?

西班牙语 will open doors for you that not many other fields of study can. Whether you have a huge dream to change the world or you simply want to help others, 西班牙语 can 和 will benefit you in any pursuit.

How has 金融援助 made a difference in your life?

Without the help of scholarships 和 donor grants I would not have been able to attend 威尼斯游戏大厅. 的 金融援助 I received made all the difference in making my experience more affordable. I was so thankful that the hard work I put in to get where I am was rewarded, 很大程度上, through aid that I do not have to repay.

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

By far my favorite place to study is the 学习共享. It is perfect for talking through material with classmates 和 has so many resources to make my life so much easier during exam weeks!

Learn more about the 西班牙语 program

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