
作者: 蒂姆热带化脓性肌炎

发表日期: 1/11/2024

类别: 体育训练 F1RST杂志 健康科学 大学新闻

You might not be able to call 威尼斯游戏大厅 a farm club for Major League Baseball teams yet. 仍然, with seven students and graduates joining MLB organizations over the past few years, 卡罗先锋队在钻石上留下了印记. Most notably, four athletic trainers play critical roles in keeping players healthy and productive.

“Carroll professors did an amazing job preparing me for the countless things we’d encounter in the field because we did so much hands-on work,20岁的布莱斯·希帕斯说. “为职业棒球队工作是一项繁重的工作,但非常令人满意. And it’s cool to know so many other Carroll graduates are doing the same thing.”

Hietpas interned with the Houston Astros before landing a full-time position with the Detroit Tigers’ Dominican Summer League team. His internship was instrumental in learning about the daily grind of a baseball team and what is expected of their athletic trainers. 这也让希帕斯比他的同行更有优势, 这是卡罗尔成功将毕业生安置到美国职棒大联盟球队的关键因素. Creating pipelines and relationships with pro baseball clubs is the best way to kickstart careers.

“我在威斯康星旱獭队(现为沃索旱獭队)实习。, 大学夏季棒球队, but then Carroll provided me with the opportunity to intern with MLB’s Pittsburgh Pirates as my capstone experience,19岁的大卫·阿切尔说.

Archer currently works as a minor league athletic trainer for the Kansas City Royals. 而海盗队的实习对他的发展有很大的帮助, he says Carroll’s athletic training staff and professors made it easy to succeed immediately.

“Every day at Carroll was a challenge for me but exactly what I needed to be in the position I am today. 我能够观察并向精英人才学习,”阿彻补充道. “The most valuable tool was the combination of hands-on classroom learning and on-field coverage. It helped me become more comfortable with skills I needed to perform at a high level.”

在阿彻和希帕斯把他们的天赋带到职业赛场之前, 18岁的布鲁克·博格斯加入了密尔沃基酿酒人队. 对于Boggs, 现在在迈阿密马林鱼队, 挑战更为重大, as few females worked as athletic trainers with pro baseball teams five years ago. It speaks volumes about the Carroll program and Boggs’ abilities that she is now a veteran of the industry.

All three students were products of Carroll’s former undergraduate athletic training program. In 2020, Carroll elevated it to a Master of Science of 体育训练 (MSAT) program to meet licensing and professional standards changes by the Commission on 认证 of 体育训练 Education (CAATE). The strength of the undergraduate program and the success of its graduates helped make it a smooth transition.

“Our athletic training students were already learning advanced skills and an interdisciplinary approach to prepare them for any situation,运动训练项目主管杰米·克什科夫斯基说, Ph.D.迟到了,迟到了. “他们参加物理治疗课程, 职业治疗和医师助理学生, 与医生一起工作,帮助运营我们的免费康复诊所. 所有这些都是为了了解专业人员和患者的不同运作方式.”

The integrated philosophy of Carroll’s MSAT program focuses on an intensive real-world experience from the beginning, 给学生超过800小时的实践作业. 他们在威尼斯游戏大厅的第一学期有临床实践, whereas most programs offer students that option starting in their third or fourth semester. 当毕业生需要挺身而出的时候,这是很重要的. Kiley Brown ’23 earned his master’s in athletic training earlier this year and now works for the Texas Rangers organization.

从一开始, 因为卡罗尔的诊所,我对自己的康复策略很有信心, 哪些工作能让你对自己的能力感到非常满意,布朗说. “One of the most impactful clinicals for me was the free Orthopedic Sports Medicine Clinic we hosted. 这让我可以进行评估并制定康复方案. 与临床教育协调员Dr. Lacey Runyon's supervision, I learned from my mistakes and developed my own style.”

Krzykowski强调:“对运动教练的需求非常高, 确保卡罗尔的学生在竞争中占据优势.“美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects athletic trainer positions to grow by 23 percent by 2030. 招聘启事通常会描述签约奖金, 加班费, 学费报销和其他津贴来吸引人们. While most athletic trainers will latch on with high school and college sports teams, they are also needed in physician practices and tactical fields such as military, 警察和消防.

当然, 如果你在威尼斯游戏大厅的话, 毕业生正趋向于在大联盟组织中获得更高的职位. 这不是轻而易举的事, but immense satisfaction comes from succeeding in a challenging environment and helping athletes live out their dreams.

“人们对时间投入感到惊讶. 这是六个, 有时一周七天,每天做11-12小时的伸展运动, 捆绑玩家, 按摩疼痛的身体,进行康复治疗. 这可能是一件苦差事。. “但我喜欢各种各样的日子,喜欢与球员和教练互动. 我对现在的工作很满意.”

“我喜欢你作为一名运动教练所建立的联系,”布朗说. “你有机会在这些运动员的生活中扮演重要的角色, 无论是在康复中心还是作为人类. 朋友们会问球员是什么样的. It’s funny because they are normal guys who watch the same shows and laugh at the same things everyone else does – they just happen to be elite athletes.”

首届MSAT班于2022年5月毕业, 学生们都有百分之百的就业机会, 这是对所有参与者的证明. Krzykowski said she is proud of all the work Carroll graduates are putting in and how they have hit the ground running, but she also loves how current students are changing lives while they’re at Carroll.

“We help to run the 威尼斯游戏大厅 Rehabilitative Exercise (CURE) Clinic for cancer patients and survivors that was developed by our Clinical Exercise Physiology program,克日科夫斯基说. “Serving others and seeing the appreciation from patients has a tremendous impact.”

卡罗尔体育训练学院的学生也感受到了这种影响, 先是本科课程,现在是硕士课程.

“教员很棒, and the small classes really allow you to feel cared about as opposed to just being a number,布朗说. “I would suggest Carroll's athletic training program to anyone who is looking to get in the field.”

“Carroll prepared me for professional sports that have a great deal of pressure and stress that has forced me to adapt and put everything I have into my job,阿切尔补充说. “It gives me a sense of purpose that really makes me feel great waking up every day.”

And while none of them will be seen on highlight reels and baseball cards as they support MLB organizations behind the scenes, 如果你热爱棒球,就会有回报.

“I walked into spring training each year and see guys like Framber Valdez (two-time MLB All-Star who threw a no-hitter on August 1 this year),希帕斯说. "我的天啊! 我正在和这些人交谈. It’s things like that I never thought would happen to me, and I owe a lot of it to Carroll.”