校友会角| 2022年3月

Author: Ann Laatsch '88

Published Date: 3/7/2022

Categories: Alumni Communication



因为校友会刚刚完成了为期一年的战略规划过程, 我想利用这个月的专栏来回顾一下安理会的历史, 并展望其未来.

卡罗尔学院校友会成立于1881年8月23日 Alumni Council)的创立是为了让校友与学校保持有意义的互动, 加强和推进卡罗的任务.  在它140年的历史中, 校友会继续支持这项使命, goals, and strategic direction of the University; represent the voice of the 23,000+ alumni community in the alumni engagement planning process; and serve in an active capacity to support the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Division of Institutional Advancement.

校友会的活动包括通知, involving, and serving the alumni community throughout their lifelong relationship with the University; serving as ambassadors for Carroll University, working to increase the university’s visibility and reputation among alumni and the wider community; facilitating the exchange of ideas between alumni and Carroll University; and selecting Distinguished Alumni and Graduate Of the Last Decade Award Recipients.

By developing, executing, 并不断更新校友会策略计划, 理事会努力履行其使命,同时回应大学及其校友不断变化的需求. 理事会应该批准我们目前的计划吗, 我们期待在未来五年继续支持大学的进步和发展,重点关注以下方面:


这一计划的基础是安理会继续致力于维护多样性的共同价值, equity, 威尼斯游戏大厅的包容性.  校董会为所有校友服务, 它必须以有意义的方式让多元化的校友团体参与进来,支持在校生和社区, 并推动大学的持续发展.


●形成对多样性的共同理解和共同定义, equity, inclusion and belonging in the context of alumni engagement work; engaging alumni who want to be involved with diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts; and soliciting alumni to make gifts to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund to support first generation and students of color
●为即将到来的夏天策划175周年校友会派对- PioPalooza
●校友会旅行计划的评审和评估, 探索不同价位的任务和娱乐驱动的旅行机会

最后,近期的一个战略目标是扩大 Alumni Council. 如果你有兴趣利用你的时间和才能来支持校友参与和推进卡罗尔的使命, 我们很乐意听到你的消息. Please email alumni@jingshuoshuo.com for more information. 随着这一计划的实施,我们期待与大家分享更多信息, 希望能在校园里见到你,或者在网上见到你!  -- soon.
