Registration Information

You will receive more information about registration after the approval process has been completed. This includes a copy of your high school transcript and the approval form, signed by your school district or (for special approval students) approval from the Early College Credit Program coordinator. Special approval students will also complete a part-time student application for Carroll University.

Additional Information

Please be aware that approval from your school district does not automatically ensure approval from Carroll University. Registration for new students generally begins in November for spring classes and in March for fall classes. Your approval memo will indicate the start date for registration; you must follow the directions on the approval memo from Carroll University to be added to a class.

In some cases, a class may be full/closed by the time a student is allowed to register. Please contact Sarah Singsime at ssingsim@jingshuoshuo.com, if that occurs, for options. As well, it is the responsibility of the student to verify when the class is offered. While there may be multiple sections of a class offered for some courses, others may offer only one option. Timetables are typically not published until after the October 1 or March 1 form submission deadlines for the school district. Therefore, it is recommended more than one option is listed on the approval form.

In most cases, the high school guidance counselor will assist the Early College Credit Program student with adjusting their high school schedule to accommodate the college course. In some cases, this may not be possible. For this reason, students are encouraged to list multiple options for potential courses. As soon as the student receives the approval form back from their district office with appropriate signatures, it should be sent to the Early College Credit Program office at Carroll University for approval, signatures and registration materials.

Please refer to the registration approval memo for more information about campus tours, email and login information, syllabi and parking. A bill should not appear for an Early College Credit Program student, unless the student has not gained appropriate approval from their district or if the student has not met the requirements for withdrawal or insufficient academic progress by the school district.


If you have any additional questions, please contact:
Sarah Singsime, Admission Counselor | ssingsim@jingshuoshuo.com | 262.650.4947

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